Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos | Haptic Fader


Haptic Fader is a force-feedback sliding potentiometer which offers a way of integrating the sense of touch into digital musical instruments and a more organic connection with electronic sound equipment. After years of academic and artistic research, the haptic fader was designed and developed for introducing musicians, sound artists, media artists, and interaction designers to haptics, a field which only very few institutions had access to before.

It is the only general-purpose cost-effective force-feedback device based on open-source hardware and open-source software elements for creative communities. Dr. Edgar Berdahl and Dr. Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos, creators of the device and framework, have held talks and workshops on international conferences, Universities and for wider audiences such us at the Ableton’s Loop festival. Over the years, different versions of the device have been used in compositions and audio-visual performances in the US and Europe. In the workshop, participants will assemble a haptic fader and learn how to program simple force-feedback haptic interactions in the visual programming environments of Max and Pure Data.

The participants are not expected to have prior experience in electronics and digital fabrication. Some experience in programming is helpful, but not required. The participants should bring their own laptop to program the device, and pre-install Max (free for 30 days) and Pure Data.


Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos

Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos je akademik, glasbenik in umetnik, ki s svojim teoretskim raziskovanjem in umetniško prakso deluje na presečišču umetnosti, znanosti in tehnologije. Je izredni profesor na Fakulteti za umetnost in oblikovanje v Cardiffu ter soustanovitelj transdisciplinarnega laboratorija znanosti in umetnosti oneContinuousLab​.

Luka Frelih

Luka Frelih is an artist working with computers and networks, a computer programmer, a free software hacker and web designer. He's been a core member of LJUDMILA – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab since its founding in 1994. He maintains Ljudmila’s 3D printers and regularly participates in collaborations connecting technology and art.