🔥 KRES 🔥


💥 Kindling Sparks of Slovene Digital Art 💥

On the longest day of the year, the summer solstice, 20 June, join us for a bonfire in osmo/za, where we will gather around the fire at 19.00 and evoke the hidden visions of Slovenian emerging digital art.  

Artists: Celeste Sanja, Beti Frim, Jaka Juhant, Vid Koprivšek, Farah Sara Kurnik, Matej Mihevc, Edina Muftić, Neo Nor, Uno.Tisto, Niko Zelenik

Curators: Sara Bezovšek, Lara Mejač, Dorijan Šiško

The lighting of bonfires on the day of the summer solstice was symbolically linked to sun worship in pagan tradition, and our ancestors believed in the miraculous and mystical powers of fire to enlighten, connect and awaken new life. This time, we are setting up a Kres (bonfire) with the aim of resurrecting and extracting out of the underground the hidden visions of Slovenian emerging digital art and gathering around the hearth a group of its followers who are inextricably linked to the internet and virtual worlds. Thus, from the dark shadows around the fire, the outlines of artistic practices will begin to emerge, characterised by speculativeness, immersiveness, exploration of new aesthetics and an experimental approach to the construction of new narratives and environments. The flames of the bonfire will ignite the kindling sparks of younger Slovenian digital artists and shed light on their unique relationship to digitality and the world around them.

Coproduction: Projekt Atol Institute


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