Václav Peloušek: Getting Maximum Out of a Minimum


The fourth event of the Modul@rnice workshop series will focus on different ways of using cheap musical gear that can greatly open up the possibilities of what you can do soundwise. All musical ecosystems can be modular, if non-linear routing of signals is applied. In this streamed lecture Vaclav will focus on a few techniques that can come handy when you don’t have a lot of gear, but you would want to explore new ways of using what you already have. Topics: mixer feedback, pitch shifter stacking, reverb feedback synth, …


Václav Peloušek

Václav Peloušek is a musician and inventor from Brno, Czech Republic. For the past decade he has been building his own instruments and also co-started brand Bastl Instruments which released countless products and held many workshops world-wide. Peloušek studied Art & Science at University of Applied Arts in Vienna and performs his music as Toyota Vangelis.

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