Tanja Vujinović | Sfera3


7–17 July 2020
osmo/za, Slovenska 54, Ljubljana (8th floor)

Exhibition opening: 7 July, 19:00
Exhibition will be open every day from 17:00–20:00

The work of Slovenian new media artist Tanja Vujinović is a research-based art practice that merges traditional art disciplines with new technologies. She focuses on the ways technology impacts human beings and nature, and through her work, she examines the relationships between human subjectivity, technology, and nature, as well as the amalgams formed by these relationships. Revolving around the metaphors of gardens, her recent projects envision the gardens of the future for the third millennium where bionic systems of non-human agents work synergistically with the natural world, human beings and renewed technologies.

Sphere3 project trailer:

The exhibition Sphere3 is a futuristic garden and an ecosystem of imaginary real things. Sphere3 consists of several sectors: Island, Plasmonika, Sector A and Sector P. It contains small and large instruments-organisms: reactors, collectors, multi-functional capsules, synthetic plants, asteroids, and a central fountain for water treatment and energy production. Individual sectors / virtual spaces represent knowledge from various fields of modern science, such as fusion energy, nanostructured materials, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, virtual reality and plasma physics. The sectors are inspired by analogous locations on Earth where simulations, rehearsals and explorations take place, such as Rio Tinto in Spain or Matis Island in Iceland. The exhibition is informed by the writings of Lee Worth Bailey. He wrote about deep technology, informed by phenomenology, which moves away from egoism and materialism towards an emphasized care for the Other and the environment. Deep technology requires a fundamental change in technological thought in the direction of deeper self-awareness on behalf of developers and researchers as well as users.

Sfera3 is an invitation to reflect on the ecologies of the world, networks we are part of, alternative ways of generating energy for the daily supply of people and the industry, and freshwater treatment for use in medicine and agriculture. This futuristic synthetic biosphere is the place of the possible, the actual, and their mutual interplay. You are invited to meditate!

Jan Kušej (Ultramono Institute)
Jože Zajec, ScenArt
Dr Luka Suhadolnik, Department for Nanostructured Materials, Jožef Stefan Institute
Dr Vid Podpečan, Department of Knowledge Technologies, Institute Jozef Stefan
Luzie Seidel (LUZ1E), https://soundcloud.com/l-v-z-1-e
Mihajlo Đorović, https://soundcloud.com/summerdeaths
Jaša Bužinel, public relations

Production: Ultramono Institute
Coproduction of work Plasmonika: Finetuned Limited and EUROfusion
Coproduction of work Island: SciArtLab IJS
Co-organisation: Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory and Projekt Atol Institute
The project is supported by the City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture

More info:


Tanja Vujinović

Tanja Vujinović je novomedijska umetnica, ki deluje mednarodno od 1997 naprej. Njeno delo temelji v raziskovanju, ki združuje tradicionalne umetniške discipline z novimi tehnologijami. Osredotoča se na tehnologije in njihov vpliv na človeka in naravo. V svojem delu raziskuje odnose med človekovo subjektivnostjo, tehnologijo, okoljem in “amalgame”, ki ob tem nastajajo. Navdahnjena s scenariji iz preteklosti, sedanjosti in tudi potencialne prihodnosti razvija hibridne instalacije kot poetske sisteme za premišljevanje sveta. Njena dela so konceptualna, intuitivna in poetska raziskovanja potencialov. Njene instalacije nas ne le spodbudijo k razmišljanju, temveč nas obdarijo tudi s senzorijalno izkušnjo. Novi projekti in dela, ki so vezana za metafore vrtov, so vizije vrtov bodočnosti novega - tretjega tisočletja, kjer bodo bionični sistemi polni ne-človeških agentov delovali v sinergijah z naravnim okoljem, ljudmi in prenovljenimi tehnologijami.

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