Kamizdat Rentgen: Rob Canning, Saša Spačal


Kamizdat Rentgen presents two of this year's releases live: one of Slovenia's most prominent contemporary artists Saša Spačal with her intriguing new release Anatomy of a Symbiosis, a sonification of biological processes resulting in floating ambient electronic drones and delicate glitchy sonic detritus, and Slovenia-based electronic and electroacoustic music composer Rob Canning with his debut album Five Scenes For Symphonic Gong And Electronics, five chapters of subtle gong sounds in the harmonic modulation of an analogue sound synthesiser.

▂▂▂▂ LINEUP ▂▂▂▂

Rob Canning: Five Scenes For Symphonic Gong And Electronics - electroacoustic concert

Saša Spačal: Anatomy of a Symbiosis - sound installation/listening room

"Kamizdat Rentgen" is a glimpse beneath the surface of the skin, a look at the fleshy interplay of bones, muscles and nerves that make up the diversity of sound bodies. A series of evenings, with which Kamizdat aims to establish a greater presence for adventurous music makers who walk on often untrodden terrain. These evenings are often closely linked to new music releases.


Produced by Emanat in collaboration with osmo/za.
Supported by the City of Ljubljana


Rob Canning

Rob Canning (Dublin, 1974) is a musician, intermedia artist and educator. He creates music for the concert hall, theatre, film screen and dance productions, and is involved in a wide range of site-specific projects and improvisational contexts. His compositions have been performed internationally and presented at conferences such as ICMC (International Computer Music Conference), LAC (Linux Audio Conference) and NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression). Since the 1990s he has been creating exclusively using free and open source software. As a free culture advocate and educator, he has worked closely with the media arts collective GOTO10, Openlab London Hackspace and SPC medialab, and spent several years as a senior lecturer in networked digital media at UK universities. He now lives and works in Slovenia, where he and his family are developing a rural arts programme within the Rizoma Institute, working at the intersection of technology, permaculture and performing arts. He holds a PhD in Music Composition from Goldsmiths University.

Saša Spačal

Saša Spačal MA [she/her], a postmedia artist, merges living systems research with contemporary art, emphasising the interconnectedness of the environment-culture continuum within planetary metabolisms. Her artistic endeavours include developing caring biotechnological methodologies and interfaces that engage with both organic and mineral soil agents. In parallel, she explores the fragility of posthuman scenarios, intricately weaving mechanical, digital, and organic logics within the realms of contemporary biopolitics and necropolitics.
Her works were presented at venues such as ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe [DE], Ars Electronica [AT], Centre de Cultura Contemporània Barcelona – CCCB [ES], Laboratoria Art & Science Foundation / New Tretyakov Gallery [RUS], National Art Museum of China [CHN], Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova [SI], Onassis Cultural Centre Athens [GR], Transmediale Festival [DE], GHMP Prague City Gallery [CZ], Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana [SI], Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo [ES], Perm Museum of Contemporary Art [RUS], Chronos Art Centre [CHN], Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb [CRO], Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina [SRB]. She received awards and nominations Ars Electronica Starts Prize [2021], Japan Media Art Award [2020], New Technological Art Award [2019], New Aesthetica Prize [2020], Prix Cube [2015] and Prix Ars Electronica [2015].

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