
JacqNoise: Modul@rnice x MENT: Synths & Synthesis


A back to basics workshop about synth building and modular synthesis!

For the first Modul@rnice workshop of the new season, we are going back to basics! Join a two-day workshop with sound artist JacqNoise at MENT festival where you can learn to solder a synth and refresh your knowledge on modular synthesis.

DAY 1: Soldering a synth
Do you have a thing for weird electronic sounds? Have you been collecting exotic gadgets and DIY instruments over the years? Or do you just want to learn how to solder? Then this workshop might be something for you – build one of the 3 different stand-alone analogue or digital noise kits by Amsterdam based synthesiser producer Error Instruments.

DAY 2: Synthesises of synthesisers
This part will be interesting for those who are curious to experiment with electronics and if you would like a better understanding of how to make sudden soundscapes. We will be talking about the synthesis of synthesisers, how to create your own hardware set up and what other alternatives are available. We will work in small groups to create patches with the Eurorack synthesisers available at the workshop. Be ready for a deep dive into the hardware behind sounds!


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